This article from, describes an order from the US Army to Robotic Research, which integrates ATAK with WarLoc, a non-GPS Geolocation solution.

Through this deal the company is offering its tech, called WarLoc, to help better equip four deployed U.S. Army Brigade Combat Teams in different locations, a press release states. The first batch of WarLoc units have already been shipped to an Army team.
WarLoc units provide localization and positioning data for Army or first responder teams who are working in environments that can’t be steadily tracked via GPS, including underground facilities. The devices mount to a person’s footwear and communicates with a smartphone via Bluetooth capabilities. Each WarLoc unit includes two sensors, one is mounted near the top of the foot an attached via shoelaces and the other is mounted to the back heel and attached through straps.
The WarLoc unit results are displayed to a user in a variety of applications, including an Android Tactical Assault Kit.
“GPS provides an easy solution to tracking, but GPS has well-known limitations, including the inability to function inside most buildings,” Robotic Research executives told via a spokesperson. “This limitation is overcome by augmenting the tracking system with an inertial measurement unit. These systems are robust to GPS denial, jamming, and/or spoofing.”