CivTAK 4.0.1 — The PUBLIC RELEASE*** Version has been released to the Public — “Public Release — Distribution Unlimited” in Government parlance. This is the first time that this enterprise-quality, mobile phone tools that the Government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on has been available to the public, and it is FREE. CivTAK has most of the features of its military cousin, ATAK, which is used by hundreds of thousands of military and government users throughout the United States and the world. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of features: With radios or a server, such as TAKServer* — or a competitor like TeamConnect or TakLib**, you can also do the following: CivTAK is 100% compatible with ATAK, WinTAK, WebTAK, TAKServer and iTAK. EDIT: Download is now from the official (Government) Web Site *TAKServer is not yet publicly released. ** TAKLib is not associated with the United States Government and does not support all network functionality. *** EDIT: This is the “PR” Version, which does not support plugins.
9 Comments on “CivTAK4.0.1 Has Been Released & Its AWESOME”
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CivTAK4.0.1 Has Been Released & Its AWESOME

the link to CivTAK is not working is there a link to download the .apk for CivTAK
use the link from your mobile devices seem to work for me
cuando lo instalo pide una contraseƱa que hago cual le escribo
usa el password “guest”
Any reason why CivTAK is not being offered on Google Play? Is this something that may be considered?
Beauracracy. I expect that will come before too long. I’ll post here when that happens.
I need to date