Janes: Brits Select TAK for Dismounted SA
TAK) has been selected as the preferred battle management application (BMA) solution for the British Army’s Dismounted Situational Awareness (DSA) programme….
Janes: Brits Select TAK for Dismounted SA MoreCommunity, News, Licensing, Support and Download for TAK / ATAK Tools
TAK) has been selected as the preferred battle management application (BMA) solution for the British Army’s Dismounted Situational Awareness (DSA) programme….
Janes: Brits Select TAK for Dismounted SA MoreAt an urban warfare exercise last year in California, the British say, nearly 100 marine commandos defeated 1,500 of their US counterparts because of help from the situational awareness technology.
“The normal assault rules are completely inverted. It’s not three or four to one that’s needed, it’s one to four.”
Royal Marines Rock w/ ATAK MoreBritish Celebrate ATAK Advanced Tech.
UK MOD Demos ATAK MoreHere’s a British Army recruiting video posted on Linked-In that highlights their use of the lastest colaborative geospatial situational awareness to coordinate movement over geography. In fact, it looks like they are using ATAK, but I’m not 100% sure (I’m sure that they want it that way!). Here’s the post from Linked-In below.
British Army Recruiting Video Featuring ATAK MoreSomeWear has a new SatCom-based Texting device, which they bill as a “global hotspot” that’s integrated with ATAK via a plugin. There are likely to be several of these coming online in the next year and having them integrated with the best off-grid mapping application only makes sense. The cost is $350 plus service, which ranges from $8.50 to $50/month. …
2-Way SatCom Texting w/ ATAK MoreHere’s a series of WinTAK-Civ tutorials that have been marked Distribution A — Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. The second Video in the Series.
WinTAK Tutorial Series MoreAccording to Jane’s, The Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence (MoD) has purchased an undisclosed number of counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS) which includes ATAK. Here’s an excerpt: The system will include the Wingman-105 Small Handheld/Wearable Drone Detector and Watchdog 200 Networked RF Sensor. Deliveries of both C-UAS products are expected to be completed by September 2020, industry sources added. The latest …
Lithuania Gets C-UAS w/ATAK MoreHere: There’s a video associated with the article that can’t be embedded. A second video below implies that ATAK is being used in NATO exercises with interoperability. Major Ben Parkyn: ‘This app allows us to operate quicker’. (Pictures: Corporal Tom Evans/Crown Copyright). New technology that allows military commanders to communicate through a mobile phone app has been hailed a “game changer” …
ATAK is a Game Changer for British Military MoreFrom Defense Update: According to information released by FLIR Systems, the Black Hornet III helicopter weighs 32 grams, slightly more than previous models. It offers several improvements over previous versions, such as improved speed and distance, with the ability to fly two kilometers at speeds of over 21 km/h. Its sensors support sharper imaging processing, featuring the FLIR Lepton thermal …
Aussies Integrate Nano UAVs w/ ATAK MoreRockwell Collins announce their ATAK took , FasTAK™ at the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries’ CANSEC trade show May 30-31. From Learn more here.
Rockwell Debuts FASTAK ATAK Plugin for Communications More