ATAK Listed in “Top 10 Military Apps” lists ATAK as one of its Top 10 Military Apps.  I’m biased, but I clearly think its true.  I note they lifted te ATAK image from Wikipedia about 5 years ago.  Here’s what they said: The Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) is an Android geo-spatial infrastructure app available for military, law enforcement, and other governmental agencies. Originally developed by …

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TRX’ Non-GPS Geolocation has ATAK Plugin

TRX new spec sheet advertises an ATAK plugin for integration with its non-GPS/indoor navigation system. Here’s an excerpt of what it offers: NEON® Squad Tracker is a low SWaP, GPS-denied navigation solution for dismounted warfighters. Squad Tracker provides ubiquitous location, tracking and mapping for personnel operating in areas where GPS is unavailable, in a solution easily integrated into military position, …

TRX’ Non-GPS Geolocation has ATAK Plugin More

Mobile Tech For First Responders

This article from American Security Today covers the needs of First Responders for current Situational Awareness and collaboration. It touches on several events last year that either ATAK helped at or would have helped if it were used.  It also touches on the use of ATAK by DHS and how TAK is transferred to private companies.  There are a total …

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AeroBrigham , announces cloud-based ATAK integration

Here: Texas-based AeroBrigham announced plans to install and support a new generation of compact, encrypted video streaming equipment from aircraft. The company said it would provide integration, distribution and support for Serastar Technologies’ Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Recon System (Stars) that streams video in a compact ISR video transmission and recording platform using simultaneous Wi-Fi, 3G/4G, Manet Radio and Harris tactical transceivers and …

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4K Solutions Offers ATAK Training

4K Solutions and ToughStump Technologies offer training for ATAK. From their site: ATAK is a mapping engine developed for the Android Operating System which allows for precision targeting, intelligence on     surrounding land formations, navigation, and generalized situational awareness. ATAK is under continuous development by various government laboratories to include the Air Force Research Lab, the Army Research Laboratory and the …

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