WinTAK Tutorial Series
Here’s a series of WinTAK-Civ tutorials that have been marked Distribution A — Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. The second Video in the Series.
WinTAK Tutorial Series MoreCommunity, News, Licensing, Support and Download for TAK / ATAK Tools
Here’s a series of WinTAK-Civ tutorials that have been marked Distribution A — Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. The second Video in the Series.
WinTAK Tutorial Series MoreHere’s a post from AJ on the use of a Motorola APX Radio integrated with ATAK. Via LinkedIn.
Moto APX integrates w/ ATAK/CivTAK MoreHere’s a series of video tutorials on the basics of ATAK/CivTAK use. This series was produced by the Government and approved for public release (Distribution A). I’ve set the series of twelve videos to be released over the next week. Here’s the first video:
ATAK/CivTAK Video Tutorial Series MoreHere’s a short tutorial on how to customize the toolbar for your personal needs.
Customizing the Action Bar MoreHere’s a video showing off Juggernaut’s case with a High Altitude, High Opening (HAHO) mount. Naturally, they are featuring ATAK-Mil with the JumpMaster Tool. HAHO 20K FT- Juggernaut.Case™ Jumpmaster Employment from Juggernaut.Case on Vimeo.
ATAK JumpMaster w/ Juggernaut MoreThere’s a story in GISUser on Par’s launch of TeamConnect. Most readers of TAKCiv will be aware of TeamConnect, because its been around for a couple of years now. Its an easy to use, civilian-friendly replacement for TAKServer, that supports all the basic functionality of TAKServer. Here’s an excerpt: TeamConnect by PAR acts as a collaboration bridge to facilitate communication …
Par Launches TeamConnect MoreHere’s a short, interesting video on ToughStump’s ATOStracker for ATAK as a work in progress:
ToughStump’s ATAK ATOStracker MoreHere’s a demo from the University of Colorado, Center of Excellence, Advanced Technology, that shows ATAK projected onto a 3D sand-table for better command visualization. It makes me wonder how you “3D print” a sand table. Let me know if you how they do that or whether to just 3D print it with ABS (more expensive, more durable). Also, can …
ATAK Sand Table Demo MoreHow to download SRTM for TAK.
Downoading SRTM for TAK MoreHere’s a short video on how to take a photo of a map and turn it into an overlay (rubber sheet) in ATAK /CivTAK. Its pretty easy and super useful when you have a custom map with information that’s not otherwise available. Note that while this video shows a 2D model inserted (a map), this could just as easily have …
Turning Photos to ATAK Maps with Rubber Sheeting More